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Advancing the mission of God with our new Tiny Town Campus

In 2010, LifePoint Church adopted a mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Since that time, there has been incredible growth in our church and city. The Rossview location is at capacity as more and more families are making Clarksville their home.

It's time to move FORWARD!

Tiny Town Digital Campus Tour

The Tiny Town Road Campus is not simply a building, but it is our opportunity to take ground for the sake of the Gospel in the hottest zip code in America.

  • 39,000 square feet
  •  800 seat auditorium
  • KidPoint spaces
  • Classrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Lobby
  • Ample parking


We believe that 100% of people who consider LifePoint Church their home can participate in FORWARD. For many of us, this will be the single largest gift we have ever given! Will you ask God to open your heart and speak to you about your

On Sunday, September 22, you will be invited to give. Your financial involvement can include a cash gift or an 18-month commitment. Your financial involvement can include an offering that will go toward an 18-month commitment. This offering will allow for you to get off to a great start in fulfilling your pledge.

Consider giving: Cash, Stocks, Real Estate or other accumulated assets

18 Mo. total
2011 lpc
Renamed LifePoint Church
The church name was changed from Cornerstone Worship Center to LifePoint Church. The church quickly grew to multiple services
2014 kidpoint
Kidpoint Add-On
An addition was added to our KidPoint wing. We also launched two additional services at West Creek Middle School in North Clarksville, while maintaining three service times at the Rossview Campus. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 718.
2016 westcreek
Rossview's Major Construction
The entire church moved to West Creek Middle School while the Rossview Campus underwent major construction. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 1103.
2017 rossview
Rossview Renovated & Expanded
The first services were held in March at the newly renovated and expanded 52,000 sq. ft. building at Rossview Road. We continued our North Clarksville Location back at West Creek Middle School and hosted our first Serve Day. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 2397.
2018 fastestgrowing
Fastest Growing Church
Outreach Magazine named LifePoint Church the fastest growing church in America. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 3135.
2019 apsu
Campus at Austin Peay
We launched a new location at Austin Peay State University. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 3917.
2021 inperson
Back in-person
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to continue in-person services at the Rossview and Austin Peay State University locations while maintaining strong engagement online through our digital church services.
2023 forward
Launching our Tiny Town Campus.
2011 lpc
Renamed LifePoint Church
The church name was changed from Cornerstone Worship Center to LifePoint Church. The church quickly grew to multiple services
2014 kidpoint
Kidpoint Add-On
An addition was added to our KidPoint wing. We also launched two additional services at West Creek Middle School in North Clarksville, while maintaining three service times at the Rossview Campus. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 718.
2016 westcreek
Rossview's Major Construction
The entire church moved to West Creek Middle School while the Rossview Campus underwent major construction. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 1103.
2017 rossview
Rossview Renovated & Expanded
The first services were held in March at the newly renovated and expanded 52,000 sq. ft. building at Rossview Road. We continued our North Clarksville Location back at West Creek Middle School and hosted our first Serve Day. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 2397.
2018 fastestgrowing
Fastest Growing Church
Outreach Magazine named LifePoint Church the fastest growing church in America. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 3135.
2019 apsu
Campus at Austin Peay
We launched a new location at Austin Peay State University. Our average attendance in all services and locations was 3917.
2021 inperson
Back in-person
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to continue in-person services at the Rossview and Austin Peay State University locations while maintaining strong engagement online through our digital church services.
2023 forward
Launching our Tiny Town Campus.